
Our Projects

Dec 08 2023
8. December 2023
  • 10:00 AM

ThetaHealing® Seminar – Basic DNA

DNA introduces ThetaHealing techniques and focuses on activating the 12strands of DNA within each participant. Students experience an opening to theUnconditional Love of the Creator. They can be arranged individually or in the group.

Seminar Basic DNA

The heart of this seminar is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed. In the ThetaHealing technique we believe you inherit beliefs and emotions from your...

Dec 08 2023
8. December 2023
  • 10:00 AM
  • Theta Power Hubertusallee 76a, 14193 Berlin

Kristall Legung Crystal Layout

Crystal Visioning wurde von Christina E. High-Hardy gegründet, einer praktizierenden psychischen und spirituellen Heilerin. Christina ist eine Freundin von Vianna Stibal (ThetaHealing, THINK Institute) und ist seit 1987 an metaphysischen Lehren und Seelenentwicklung beteiligt. Durch die Verwendung von Kristallen konnte sie den Therapieprozess verbessern und alte Muster und Verhaltensweisen beseitigen. Während sie die Kristalle verwendete, konnte Christina Kunden helfen, ihr vergangenes und zukünftiges Leben zu bewerten, mächtige Leben zu überprüfen und die Kunden mit den Gaben und Lektionen, die sie...

Dec 10 2022
10. December 2022
  • 10:00 AM
  • Theta Power Hubertusallee 76a, 14193 Berlin

ThetaHealing® Seminar – Basis DNA Online

Das Basic DNA Seminar führt Dich in die Techniken und in die Philosophie von ThetaHealing® ein. Du erlernst die grundlegenden Techniken für dich und andere anzuwenden.

Ablauf des Seminars

Im Zentrum stehen die Techniken, die uns aus alten und tiefen Lebensmustern, Blockaden und Ängsten herauslösen, welche uns auf der Kern-, der Genetischen-, der Historischen- und der Seelenebene blockieren und hindern voranzuschreiten. Du öffnest dich für die die bedingungslose Liebe des Schöpfers von Allem was Ist, wie wir die Schöpfungskraft bezeichnen, und lernst...

Dec 10 2022
10. December 2022
  • 10:00 AM

ThetaHealing® Seminar – Dig Deeper

The ThetaHealing Technique is fabulous for getting to the origin of our issues because Practitioners are taught an incredible technique called ‘digging’. This narrative style approach allows us to comfortably discover the elusive and deep subconscious thoughts and beliefs that can block us. The ThetaHealing™ technique then uses unconditional love, Belief and Feeling work to clear these. This class is designed to get all ThetaHealers® well trained at this essential technique, to give you the solid grounding, tips and techniques you need...

Dec 10 2022
10. December 2022
  • 10:00 AM

Course exercise circle

Have you heard of the set-up, but have never seen it before? I will open a room where you can put your subject into this Raum. Questions can be answered with a blind presentation for you. There is only one Assembly. It will be gambled who will be participating in this presentation. Even if you are not chosen this time, trust that sometimes else will solve itself more than you can imagine. Your soul decides the next important step. With pleasure I invite...

  • 10:00 AM

ThetaHealing® Seminar – Advanced DNA

The Advanced ThetaHealing Seminar expands the information in the Basic Seminar to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes ofExistence that surround us. They can be arranged individually or in the group.

Course of the seminar

The student will learn how to clear old resentments, vows, and commitments that hold them back. The student will discover how to heal with the “Baby in the Womb” and “Heal the Broken Soul” exercises. The student will receive Feelings that are Downloaded from the Instructor...